Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Is the Latin Word Order

One of the most commonly asked questions about Latin syntax is What is the word order? In an inflected language like Latin, the order of the words is less important than the ending regarding determining how each word functions in the sentence. A Latin sentence can be written subject first followed by the verb, followed by the object, just as in English. This form of the sentence is referred to as SVO. The Latin sentence can also be written a variety of other ways: English: The girl loves the dog. SVO Latin: Puella canem amat. SOVCanem puella amat. OSVAmat puella canem. VSOAmat canem puella. VOSCanem amat puella. OVSPuella amat canem. SVO Although the Latin word order is flexible, conventionally the Romans adhered to one of these forms for a simple declarative sentence, but with many exceptions. The most common form is the first Latin one above, SOV, (1): Puella canem amat. The ending on the nouns tells their roles in the sentence. The first noun, puella girl, is a singular noun in the nominative case, so it is the subject. The second noun, canem dog, has an accusative singular ending, so it is the object. The verb has a third person singular verb ending, so it goes with the subject of the sentence. Word Order Provides Emphasis Since Latin doesnt require word order for basic comprehension, the fact that there is a fallback word order suggests that there is something word order does that the inflection doesnt do. Latin word order is varied to emphasize particular words or for variety. Postponement, placing of words in unexpected positions, and juxtaposition were ways Romans achieved emphasis in their sentences, according to an excellent, public domain online Latin grammar, A Latin Grammar, by William Gardner Hale and Carl Darling Buck. First and last words are most important in writing. Speech is different: When talking, people emphasize words with pauses and pitch, but regarding Latin, most of us are more concerned with how to translate or write it than how to speak it. The girl loves the dog is, superficially, a pretty boring sentence, but if the context were one where the expected object of her affection was a boy, then when you say the girl loves the dog, the dog is unexpected, and it becomes the most important word. To emphasize it you would say (2): Canem puella amat. If you had mistakenly thought the girl despised the dog, it would be the word love that required emphasis. The last place in the sentence is emphatic, but you could move it to an unexpected spot, at the front, to highlight further the fact that she loves it: (3): Amat puella canem. Further Details Lets add a modifier: You have a lucky (felix) girl who loves the dog today (hodie). You would say in the basic SOV format: (7): Puella felix canem hodie amat. An adjective modifying a noun, or a genitive governing it, generally follows the noun, at least for the first noun in the sentence. Romans often separated modifiers from their nouns, thereby creating more interesting sentences. When there are pairs of nouns with modifiers, the nouns, and their modifiers may be ringed (chiastic construction ABba [Noun1-Adjective1-Adjective2-Noun2]) or parallel (BAba [Adjective1-Noun1-Adjective2-Noun2]). Assuming we know that the girl is lucky and happy and the boy is the one who is brave and strong, (nouns A and a, adjectives B and b) you could write: (8): fortis puer et felix puella (BAba parallel)strong boy and fortunate girl(9): puer fortis et felix puella (ABba chiastic)boy strong and fortunate girlHere is a variation on the same theme:(10): Aurea purpuream subnectit fibula vestem (BbAa) This is a so-called silver line.golden purple ties brooch garmentA golden brooch ties the purple garment.It is a line of Latin written by a master of Latin poetry, Vergil (Virgil) [Aeneid 4.139]. Here the verb precedes the subject-noun, which precedes the object-noun [VSO]. Hale and Buck provide other examples of variation on the SOV theme, which they say is rarely found, despite its being the standard. If youve been paying close attention, you may have wondered why I threw in the adverb hodie. It was to present the sentence ring that the subject-noun and verb form around their modifiers. Just as the adjective goes after the emphasized first word, so the modifier of the verb precedes the emphatic final position (Noun-Adjective-Adverb-Verb). Hale and Buck elaborate with the following useful rules for modifiers of the verb: a. The normal order of the modifiers of the verb and the verb itself is:1. Remoter modifiers (time, place, situation, cause, means, etc.).2. Indirect object.3. Direct object.4. Adverb.5. Verb. Remember: Modifiers tend to follow their noun and precede their verb in the basic SOV sentence.Although SOV is the basic structure, you may not find it very often.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Philosophy of Teaching - 658 Words

Philosophy of Teaching Children are not required to have real jobs, but they are required to attend school everyday. A teacher’s job is to show children how to make special use of their time and value their educational opportunities. Students do not get paid for their eight a.m. to three p.m. job, but they will be rewarded for the work that they put in. Teachers will only be truly happy and successful if they are dedicated to working hard and providing a positive attitude for their students. The real reward will be the success of their students and the growth of their knowledge of the world around them. I have observed that becoming a teacher is different from training or studying for any other job. Teachers bring their work†¦show more content†¦Teachers need to create and adapt an appropriate educational atmosphere depending on the educational goals and the students in the classroom. Every year, new students with new problems, needs, and issues come into a teacher’s classroom; the teacher’s job is to adjust and embrace the unique abilities of each new student. All of my life I have been surrounded by teachers. Not just the teachers that I have observed in the classroom, but also my parents. My mother teaches special education at an elementary school and my father teaches science at community college. Both my parents have paved a great example for me to follow. I have learned from stories that my mom and dad have told me about their teaching experiences. They have taught me to be patient, creative, and that no matter what age group a teacher is dealing with, he or she needs to be open-minded and dedicated to the intellectual growth of the students. Teachers do not only learn from one another. I believe that I will learn from my students as they are learning from me. Children are looking for motivation, attention, and encouragement. Based on my teaching experiences already, I have discovered that humor is important to form an understanding and that keeping a smile and positive attitude will keep you strong. Finding a common bond with students will allow them to become more involved in the lessons and in the content that is being taught. As anShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy And Philosophy Of Teaching999 Words   |  4 Pages Philosophy of Teaching Essay Assignment Mohsin Rasho Valparaiso University NUR 641 â€Å"I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others use of unauthorized aid.† Mohsin Hussein Rasho Philosophy of Teaching Essay Assignment There are many students thinking about their future because they desire to be the great teacher or professor in the future. It is necessaryRead MorePhilosophy And Philosophy Of Teaching942 Words   |  4 PagesPhilosophy of Teaching By: Tambra Reynolds Every August, a group of second graders enter my classroom. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The World Made Straight Free Essays

A Summary: In 1970s Western North Carolina, a young man stumbles across a grove of marijuana, sees an opportunity to make some easy money, and steps into the jaws of a bear trap. He is discovered by the ruthless farmer who set the trap to protect his plants, and begins his struggle with the evils of his community’s present as well as those of its history. Before long, he has moved out of his parents’ home to live with a onetime schoolteacher who now lives in a trailer outside town, deals a few drugs, and studies journals from the Civil War. We will write a custom essay sample on The World Made Straight or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their fates become entwined as the community’s terrible past and corrupt present lead to a violent reckoning with the marijuana farmer and with a Civil War massacre that continues to divide an Appalachian community. Major themes: Knowledge vs. Ignorance – self knowledge is the most important part of the protagonist, Travis. Here Travis is trying to portray a tough guy, ignorant attitude when really he is a scrawny boy. Travis gains knowledge from the books he finds in Leonard’s trailer. He gains knowledge by Leonard teaching him in the trailer. Knowledge never leaves you. Travis’ goal as the protagonist in this book is to better himself and start a change in his life. Why would he want to better himself? Travis is trying to find out who he is. He starts off as a want to be tough guy who hangs with the rebels. That’s the way of life in the North Carolina Mountains no one really gives school a chance in the fact that most of the students end up as farmers. Travis’ ignorance for school and life in the beginning is very high. Knowledge consumes us in the fact we are always looking for new information and trying to obtain that all knowing self. Travis finds his way not the usual way of going through grade school but successfully gaining a GED. This sets him at an accomplishment something also his father never did. Travis sees himself heading down a road of hardships, Success, and failure. But Travis will learn from the mistakes and gain knowledge of the subject and move on to better himself for the future and what ever it may hold. Characters: Travis Shelton, 17 years old, high school dropout discouraged from bettering himself by his tobacco farmer father. Leonard Shuler, a former schoolteacher, now small-time drug dealer, whose career was ended by a student. Carlton Toomey, a ruthless and wily farmer and drug dealer. Dena, once a pretty young woman, who has become a heavy drug user. How to cite The World Made Straight, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Chemistry Notes Essay Example For Students

Chemistry Notes Essay LECTURE 6 NOTES, CHM 101, SEC. 01SOLUTION CONCENTRATIONSTHE ACTUAL WEIGHING OF REACTANTS OFTEN PROVES IMPRACTICAL OR INCONVENIENT. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE IF REACTANTS ARE GASES, LIQUIDS, OR VERY REACTIVE. HOW CAN WE DELIVER KNOWN WEIGHTS OF REACTANTS WITHOUT WEIGHING THEM FIRST?CONSIDER: HNO3 + NaOH = NaNO3 + H2ONEITHER NITRIC ACID, NOR SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAN BE WEIGHED EASILY. WHY?HOWEVER, SOLUTIONS OF KNOWN AMOUNT OF SOLUTE PER UNIT VOLUME CAN BE DELIVERED IN KNOWN VOLUME TO GIVE PRECISELY-KNOWN AMOUNTS OF REACTANTS. WHY?BECAUSE: (MOLES/LITER) X LITERS = MOLESIF YOU KNOW THE NUMBER OF MOLES CONTAINED IN ONE LITER, YOU CAN CALCULATE THE MOLES CONTAINED IN ANY MEASURED VOLUME OF THAT SOLUTION. TYPICALLY, A FLASK CALLED A VOLUMETRIC FLASK IS USED TO PREPARE A SOLUTION OF KNOWN CONCENTRATION,(MOLES SOLUTE/LITERS SOLUTION). SOLUTE IS WEIGHED AND ADDED TO THE FLASK. THEN THE SOLVENT IS ADDED TO MAKE UP A KNOWN FIXED VOLUME OF SOLUTION. THE AMOUNT OF SOLUTE PER UNIT VOLUME SOLUTION(TYPICALLY MOLES/LITER) IS CALLED THE CONCENTRATION OF THE SOLUTION. IT HAS TO BE DEFINED QUANTITATIVELY. THIS CAN BE DONE IN SEVERAL WAYS. WE WILL USE THE DEFINITION MOST COMMONLY USED IN ANALYSIS, MOLARITY. SOLUTION MOLARITY = MOLES SOLUTE/LITERS SOLUTIONTHE MOLARITY IS GIVEN THE SYMBOL, M. IF A SOLUTION IS 1.000 M, 1.000 LITERS OF SOLUTION CONTAIN EXACTLY 1.000 MOLES OF SOLUTE. THE USEFULNESS OF THE CONCEPT REVOLVES AROUND THE FACT THATMOLES = M x LITERS(moles/L)x LYOU MUST KNOW HOW TO PREPARE DILUTE SOLUTIONS FROM CONCENTRATED ONES. BASICALLY, MOLES = M x VLSOLUTION PREPARATIONIN MOST LABORATORIES REAGENTS ARE PURCHASED IN CONCENTRATED FORM DUE TO SHIPPING AND PACKAGING COSTS . THEY ARE RARELY USED AS DELIVERED. RATHER THEY ARE DILUTED FOR USE AS NEEDED. IF YOU EVER WORK IN A LABORATORY YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO PREPARE DILUTE SOLUTIONS FROM MORE CONCENTRATED ONES. ACS-CERTIFIED REAGENT-GRADE HCl IS SOLD IN BOTTLES CONTAINING 12.1 M SOLUTION. HOW WOULD YOU GO ABOUT PREPARING 1 LITER OF 0.100 M HCl?USE THE RELATION:MOLES CON. HCl = MOLES DILUTE HClMCON x VCON = MDIL x VDIL12.1 x VCON = 0.100 x 1.00VCON = 0.100/12.1 = 0.00826 LITERS0.00826 L(1000 mL/Liter) = 8.26 mL8.26 mL OF CONCENTRATED HCl WHEN ADDED TOMAKE ONE LITER OF SOLUTION RESULTS IN A SOLUTION WHICH IS 0.100 M. IT IS A LITTLE EASIER TO MAKE UP SOLUTIONS OF PRECISE MOLARITY VALUES IF THE SOLUTE IS A SOLID AND CAN BE WEIGHED. SILVER NITRATE, AgNO3, IS SUCH A REAGENT. HOW MANY GRAMS OF SILVER NITRATE MUST BE ADDED TO A 100.00 mL FLASK TO PRODUCE A 0.200 M SOLUTION. Ag NO3(S) = Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) 0.200M 0.200MSTRATEGY: FIND THE MOLES AgNO3 NEEDED FOR THE SOLUTION. THEN FIND WHAT THOSE MOLES WEIGH. MOLES AgNO3 = MxV = 0.200 x 0.10000 = 0.0200MASS AgNO3 = MOLES x(GRAMS/MOLE)0.0200 x 169.8731 = 3.3975 gWITH WHAT PRECISION DO WE NEED TO WEIGH OUT THE SILVER NITRATE?CHAPTER 3 PROBLEMS:25. Calculate the mass, in grams, of 1.12 mol CaH2. HOW DO WE FIND THE MASS IF WE KNOW THE NUMBER OF MOLES AND THE MOLECULAR FOLMULA?FROM THE MOLECULAR FORMULA WE CALCULATE THE AVERAGE MASS OF ONE MOLE, THE MOLAR MASS IN GRAMS. ONCE WE HAVE THE MOLAR MASS WE MULTIPLY THE MOLAR MASS BY THE NUMBER OF MOLES, 1.12. MASS = (GRAMS/MOLE) X MOLESWE MUST KNOW THE MOLAR MASS TO MAKE THE CALCULATION. Molecular mass = mass atoms in the molecule. =mass Ca + 2x mass H = 40.077 + 2(1.00794) =42.093u/molecule or = 42.093 g./moleTHAT IS THE MOLAR MASS OF CALCIUM HYDRIDE IS 42.093 GRAMS/MOLE. TO CALCULATE THE MASS IN 1.12 MOLES:MASS 1.12 MOLES = = (42.093 GRAMS/MOLE)(1.12 MOLES)= 47.1 g. NOTE THE 3 SIG. FIGS. 27. Calculate the number of moles corresponding to 98.6 g of nitric acid, HNO3. RECOGNIZE: MOLES = GRAMS/(GRAMS/MOLE)AGAIN WE NEED TO KNOW THE MOLAR MASS. THIS TIME WE MUST CALCULATE THE MOLAR MASS OF NITRIC ACID. .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .postImageUrl , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:hover , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:visited , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:active { border:0!important; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:active , .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5 .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u93bdd1fcef2ef13de635f5e0839270b5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Service and Helping Others and Three Reasons People are Hesitant to Help EssayMOLAR MASS = mmass N + mmass H + 3x mmass O14.0067 + 1.00794 + 3(15.9994) == 63.0128 g/moleMOLES = 98.6g / (63.0128 g/mole) = 1.56 moles29. Calculate the number of molecules in 4.68 mol H2O?YOU HAVE TO RECOGNIZE THAT ONE MOLE CONTAINS 6.02 x 1023 MOLECULES. THUS,THE NUMBER OF MOLECULES = = MOLES X (MOLECULES/MOLE) =MOLECULES = 4.68 moles(6.02 x 1023 molecules/mole) = 28.2 x 1023 = 2.82 x 1024 molecules. HOW MANY TOTAL ATOMS ARE IN THE ABOVE MOLECULES?35. What is the mass per cent oxygen in the compound having the formula, HOOCCH2CH(CH3)COOH?YOU MUST RECOGNIZE THAT:MASS % O = MASS O per mole/molar massx100THUS, WE NEED TO KNOW THE MASS OF OXYGEN IN ONE MOLE OF MATERIAL AND THE MOLAR MASS OF THE MATERIAL. THIS CAN BE DONE GIVEN THE ATOMIC MASSES AND THE FORMULA. MASS O per mole = 4 x(15.9994) g. = 63.9976 g. Molar mass = 5x(atomic mass C) + 4x(atomic mass O) + 8x(atomic mass H) = 5 x 12.011 + 4 x 15.9994 + 8 x 1.00794 = 132.116 g/mole%O = (mass O)/(mass/mole) x 100 = =(63.9976/132.116)x100 = 48.4405 %39. THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA OF PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE IS C3H2Cl. IF THE MOLECULAR MASS IS 147 u, WHAT IS THE FORMULA?RECOGNIZE THAT THE MOLECULAR MASS IS AN INTEGRAL MULTIPLE OF THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA MASS. THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA MASS = 3x mass C + 2 x mass H + mass Cl =3(12.011) + 2(1.00794) + 35.453 = 73.502 uTWO TIMES THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA MASS IS EXACTLY THE MOLECULAR MASS. THIS MEANS THAT THE MOLECULAR FORMULA ISC3H2Cl2 OR C6H4Cl2. 43. Resorcinol, is composed of 65.44% C, 5.49 % H and 29.06 % O. Its molecular mass is 110 u. Determine the molecular formula. RECOGNIZE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE INFORMATION NEEDED TO CALCULATE THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA. THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA MASS MULTIPLIED BY A SMALL WHOLE NUMBER WILL GIVE THE MOLECULAR MASS. GIVEN PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION DATA, PROCEED ON THE BASIS OF A 100.000 GRAM SAMPLE. THAT IS, ASSUME YOU HAVE A 100 g SAMPLE AND THAT IT CONTAINS 65.44g C, 5.49 g. H AND 29.06 g. O. FIND THE NUMBER OF MOLES OF EACH ELEMENT IN THE SAMPLE. MOLES C = 65.44 g/ (12.011 g/mole) = 5.448MOLES H = 5.49 g./ (1.00794 g/mole) = 5.45MOLES O = 29.06 g./ (15.9994 g./mole) = 1.816MOLES C/MOLES O = 5.448/1.816 = 3.000MOLES H/MOLES O = 5.45/ 1.816 = 3.00THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA = C3H3OTHE FORMULA MASS = 312.011 + 31.00794 + 15.9994 = 55.056 uSINCE THE MOLECULAR MASS IS 110 u, THECORRECT MOLECULAR FORMULA WILL BE C3H3O2 = C6H6O2 , OR THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA MULTIPLIED BY TWO. 55. Balance the following:Cl2O5 + H2O HClO3LATER IN THE COURSE YOU WILL BE GIVEN BETTER DEVICES FOR BALANCING EQUATIONS. AT THIS POINT TRY TO BALANCE THE ELEMENTS OTHER THAN OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN FIRST AND THEN BALANCE THE OXYGEN OR HYDROGEN WITH WHAT EVER MOLECULES YOU HAVE AVAILABLE. START WITH ClCl2O5 2 HClO3 NOTE BY INSPECTION THAT ADDING ONE WATER TO THE LEFT SIDE WILL PRODUCE BALANCE. Cl2O5 + H2O = 2 HClO3ON BOTH SIDES YOU HAVE 2 Cl, 2 H AND 6 O. BALANCE Al + O2 Al2O3BALANCE Al FIRST:2Al Al2O3 NOTE YOU NEED AN EVEN NUMBER OF OXYGENS. 4 Al 2 Al2O3 SEE 3 O2 WILL BALANCE O. 4 Al + 3 O2 = 2 Al2O3 BALANCED. 61. 2 C8H18 + 25 O2 = 16 CO2 + 18 H2Ojjj. How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 1.8 x 104 moles of octane are burned?THE STOICHIOMETRIC COEFFICIENTS TELL US:MOLES CO2/ MOLES OCTANE = 16/2 = 8/1 = 8THAT IS, MOLES CARBON DIOXIDE = 8 X MOLES OCTANE. MOLES CARBON DIOXIDE = 8 x 1.8 x 104 = 14.4 x 104 = 1.4 x 105. 67. Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons used in heating and as a jet fuel. Assume that kerosene can be represented by C14H30 and that it has a density of 0.763 g/mL. How many grams of carbon dioxide are produced by the combustion of 3.785 L of kerosene?Strategy: 1. Partially balance the equation for combustion. 2. Note that you have been given the density and the volume of the kerosene. From d = m/v you can calculate the mass of the kerosene. From the mass you can calculate moles after calculating the molar mass of kerosene. .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .postImageUrl , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:hover , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:visited , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:active { border:0!important; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:active , .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931 .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u10424c53ecd8c22ec94861157236f931:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Different Methods Of Quantitative Research Essay3. From the balanced equation you determine the ratio of moles carbon dioxide to kerosene. 4. From moles carbon dioxide you calculate grams carbon dioxide. C14H30 + x O2 = y H2O + 14 CO2 Note moles carbon dioxide = 14 x moles kerosene. Mass kerosene = d x v = (.763 g/mL)(3785mL) = 2.89103 g. MOLAR MASS KEROSINE = 14x 12.011 + 30 x 1.00794 = 198.392 g/moleMOLES KEROSENE = 2.89 x 103/198.392 = 14.6MOLES CARBON DIOXIDE = 14.00 X 14.6 = 204GRAMS CARBON DIOXIDE = 204moles X 44.01g/mole = 8978 g = 8.98 KG. 73. Lithium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide to form lithium carbonate and water:2 LiOH + CO2 = Li2CO3 + H2OIf a reaction vessel contains 0.150 mol LiOH and 0.080 mol CO2, which compound is the limiting reagent? How many moles of the carbonate can be produced?0.150 mol of LiOH will react with 0.075 mol of carbon dioxide. (Moles carbon dioxide)/(moles LiOH) = . Thus, the LiOH is the limiting reagent and all the carbon dioxide is not used up. The number of moles of the carbonate will be the same as the number of moles carbon dioxide used, 0.075. 83.a Calculate the molarity of a solution prepared from 6.00 mol HCl in 2.50 L solution. M = moles solute/liters solution = 6.00 moles/2.50 L = 2.4 moles/liter87. How many mL of a 0.215 M solution are required to contain 0.0867 mol NaBr?Note M x VL = moles = 0.0867 = 0.215 x VLVL = 0.0867/.215 = 0.403 liters = 403 mLScience Essays

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Cask Of Amontillado. Essays - The Cask Of Amontillado, Fortunato

The Cask Of Amontillado. The cask of amontillado is astory of revenge. montresor,the villainous narrator of this story vowed to avenge insults he received by administering death to fortunato. montressor proved himself to be the aggressor because of the way he plotted and excuted his plan to eliminate fortnnato.the reasoc behind montresor's villainous behavior is somewhat understates. montressor is a very unreliable narrator claiming that he suffered,''the thousand injuries of fortunato i had borne as best as i could'',9750.This statement that montresor made is not only exaggeration, but also leads us to wonder if their was another motive behind montresor's actions. Upon reading this story i realized that i could not believe montressor descriptive ways of how fortunato criticized and humiliated him. we as the reader do not know what causes this line of insults from fortunato. montressor could have initiated this kind of behaviour that he received; it is only best to be speculative about this because there is not hard evidence that points out without bais the true aggressor. The way montressor executed his brilliant plan was to lure fortunato to his home saying that he wanted him to sample a wine by the name of amontillado. The reason behind this was that he knew that fortunato was also a connoisseur of wines.We continue to see the devious mind of montressor at work and also how ironic his compassion for fortunato was. ''Come,'' i said,with decision, ''we will go back your health is precious.You are rich ,respected ,admired,beloved,you are happy as i once was''(77). In the paragraph above montressor's compassion for fortunato is a first rate reverse psychology in progress. Montressor anticipated that if he appeared to be fortunato friend who cared about his health, his plan would be flawless. It is known that montressor wanted to avenge fortunato ,but their is no indication of when this would take place so this leave us to believe that the carnival created the atmosphere for fortunato to be drunk, therefore allowingf Montressor to move forward with his plan to murder fortunato. By the end of Poe's story, montressor has gotten his revenge against unspecting fortunato ,whose taste for wine led him to his death. Once again we are reminded of the coat of arms and the the montresor family motto. The insignia is symbolic of montressor's evil character, which like the serpent intends to get revenge. Acceptance Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

A pot of oil

A pot of oil IntroductionOil this dark thing is one of the world's most valuable sources of energy. It is called "black gold". This essay will discuss the importance of oil to the national economy and world economy. This text will show an in-depth description about how the oil influences the economy. The emphasis in the text is understands the supply and demand theory to explain this questions appropriately. Oils are extremely useful for our daily activities, but extracting and using oils has a damaging effect on the environment and also if we are not careful, oil will soon become rare and very expensive. In this essay, it also will talk about environmental and ethical aspects of use of oil. Besides, the substitutions of oils are important to human.BackgroundOil plays an important part in our lives. Many million of years ago, oil comes from the remains if tiny water plants and animals.English: Supply and demand market curvesWhen there organisms die, they settle in the land and are slowly buried b y mud and sand. After million of years, the oil was formed (Mercer, 2003: 14). As we know, oil is one if the world's most valuable resources and our most necessary source of energy. The oil processed into petrol, diesel and other important things. Without the oil, millions of trucks, planes, cars, power station, furnaces heating systems and so on will stop work. Human life will back to remote antiquity. The oil also is a raw material for plastics, paint and countless other products (Parker, 2002:5). It plays an important part in our lives. It dominates our modern world. However, the oil is fossil fuels and it is not renewable. We consume them fast but they are not being replaced. If we keep using oil at today's rates, the oil may run out in perhaps less than...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

It is an article for my experimental economy class to summary Essay

It is an article for my experimental economy class to summary - Essay Example The standard preference demands that a specified amount of money has to be invested by people to save their lives. Depending on the economy, there is the assumption that the procedure of invariance is not unique to the study of preference. Invariance arises when the money is invested monthly or yearly but the money is not fully utilized. When accidents and injuries do not happen, the people who pay monthly feel that their money is being wasted causing some to withdraw payments. Violations of transitivity arise when preference reversal implicates the payoff schemes as means of exploiting cash from desperate clients. Main Findings of the Article Several major findings include first, intransitivity alone accounts for a very small portion of the preference reversal patterns. This means that the subjects are supposed to pay a lesser amount of money in cases where a client does not incur regular accidents. The irregularity where clients experience delayed compensation despite claiming on t ime. Secondly, preference reversal is hardly affected by the payoff scheme hence not attributed to the failure of expected utility theory. This means that it cannot be used to explain the violations and independency complains from clients. In addition to this, predictions that clients will get accidents cause them to pay.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should the government impose stricter guidelines on how much students Annotated Bibliography

Should the government impose stricter guidelines on how much students can borrow in student loans - Annotated Bibliography Example Therefore, it will be significant in enabling us to come up with an in-depth conclusion. Giving loans to students play a significant role in enabling them to finance their education. However, there must be strict rules in order to avoid overspending. This book will be significant in understanding the specific needs that are required. In addition, it will enhance the understanding of benefits of loans to the students. Students’ loans increase equality in the society. It enables the government to distribute funds equitably to the student. This book analyzes the costs of sustaining student loans. Therefore, it will be important in understanding the necessary measures that the government should take in order to help the students. Many students are burdened by loans after finishing school. This is because the government has not put the necessary measures to curb overspending. This book will be important in understanding how the gaps in laws are making it hard for the student and the government to recover from the loans. In addition, it will highlight the challenges that come with the issuance of the loans. Students’ loan has increased inequality. This is because there lacks effective laws to govern its distribution. This book will enable me understand how the loan has increased inequality in the society. In addition, it will be significant in understanding different gaps that need to be closed in order to increase its

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese Economic Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese Economic Revolution - Research Paper Example As a result there was a wide variety of goods and services to choose from. Chinese producers were also able to export their goods and expand their businesses overseas. By the late 1980’s these reforms had accomplished extraordinary results: incomes increased, more consumer products, food and housing was made available and the country experienced high growth rates. The economic reforms were Chinese government’s way to emphasize an increase production, consumption and people’s income as well as advancement in technology without it having an adverse impact on budget deficits, inflation and unemployment. The first of these economic reforms were introduced in the agricultural sector. Under the agricultural reforms, agricultural land was divided among farmers who became owners of the lands they worked on. The farmers were allowed to keep the agricultural output if they agreed to give a small share of it to the government. This was a popular move among the farmers who f ound a way to increase their incomes. The result of these reforms was a dramatic increase in production of agricultural goods and this move stimulated the growth in the agricultural industry. Farmers were also able improve their standard of living as the reforms allowed them to increase their income by producing more goods (Myers 1991). Foreign trade played a significant role to boost China’s economy once the new economic reforms were introduced. In the years preceding the economic revolution foreign trade rarely contributed more than 10% to China’s GDP as the country mostly relied on self-sufficiency. However after the reforms the contribution increased significantly and by 1986 foreign trade contributed to 36% of the... The modern world has become familiar with the phrase ‘Made in China’. Chinese goods and services are being sold all over the world. There is clearly a shift in economic power from the developed West to China and India. The remarkable growth of China can be credited greatly to the Chinese Economic Revolution that occurred in the late 1970’s. The remarkable growth of China can be credited greatly to the Chinese Economic Revolution that occurred in the late 1970’s. In 1978 Deng Xiaoping introduced economic reforms in China. There were two phases to the reforms. In the first phases focus was on the countryside. A ‘Household Responsibility System’ was introduced which made peasants, working on farms, owners of those lands. The second phase of these reforms focused on industrialization and worker welfare as well as on enterprises. One of the key changes as a result of these reforms was that control was shifted from state-owned to private enterprise. These reforms were against the communist philosophy as they supported a free-market system. These reforms helped arouse a sleeping economic giant from its slumber and take the world’s economic stage by storm. The reforms encouraged private entrepreneurship, foreign investment and foreign trade, reduced government control with focus on free-market and education of the labor force among others. The Chinese economy will continue to grow and maintain its average growth rates of 10% per annum till 2020.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Role Of Communicative Language Teaching

The Role Of Communicative Language Teaching Introduction Foreign languages play a very important role in our system of knowledge. They are not only an effective tool for us to exploit information to acquire scientific technology, to share experiences with or to learn experiences from others in specialized fields but also a useful means of improving peoples material and spiritual lives. In the sixteenth century English became known as a communication language for people around the world. Its popularity as a foreign language has been increasing since then and been developing into the second language of many countries (Richards and Rodgers, 2002). English is now the most popular foreign language in Vietnam and English competence is considered one of the most necessary characteristics for anyone who would like to integrate themslves into the global society and access the worlds knowlege to be sucessful in life. English gradually becoming the main communication language in parts of education, business, entertainment and culture exchanges with o ther cultures excitingly taking place in daily life in Vietnam require appropriate recognition of English speaking from Vietnamese learners, especially teachers and those who are working in education. Language teaching profession has experienced many changes and a number of different language teaching methods and approaches have been proposed and applied for the sake of teachers and learners benefits in their teaching and learning so far. However, which one is the most appropriate for teachers and their learners depending a lot in their teaching and learning context. Therefore, Communicative Language Teaching has been employed in most of Vietnamese classrooms, especially in PVMTC, for its advantages in improving the speaking skills though it is not the latest one. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND THE MAJOR TRENDS OF LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS AND APPROACHES. Since the begining of the twentieth century, communication between people of different cultures in differrent parts of the world has became urgent request. Teaching and learning a foreign language became more and more popular. However, to teach a foreign language effectively requires a lot of effort from the teachers who have direct and significant impact on their students achievement which is controled by the methodology they choose to apply to their language teaching in different learning and teaching contexts. Understanding the importance of the matter , linguists and teachers themselves have been done a large number of studies on language teaching in order to find out and introduce more practical and effective language teaching methods and approaches that help teachers in performing well their job. The two recent centuries have witnessed ceaseless changes and innovation in language teaching in terms of teaching methods and approaches. These decide how the language is taught and what materials and activities are used in the classroom to help learners get the best achievement in their language learning. Thus, each approach shows its own view of the nature of the language and how the language is learnt. According to Richards and Rodgers (2002, p. 3), Latin was the dominant language of education, commerce, religion and government in the Western world until the sixteenth century when French, Italian and English gradually replaced it to become the languages of communication. However, the tremendous impact of Latin teaching and learning principles and procedures on the way of teaching and learning the newly emerging languages was still occuring until the nineteenth century. This language teaching method has been known as Grammar Translation Method (GMT). As the result, the language lessons occured mostly in students first language, heavily focused on grammar rules which were deductively taught to students in order to guide them to decoding written texts and producing correct writing in target languages (Prator Celce-Murcia, 1979). Translation activities with the assistant of billingual dictionaries were conducted to achieve the accuracy. Students were expected to memorize a number of w ords and their meanings and all grammar rules and then apply them to make sentences. They were also expected to read, comprehend literature and write sentences without errors. Listening skill and speaking skill were completely ignored (Larsen-Freeman, 1986) in GMT classrooms. However, the changes in the society at the time resulted in the change of learners goal of learning languages: learning languages to communicate. The Grammar Traditional Method then couldnt meet the requiement since it appeared to fail to equip learners with interaction and communication skills in the target language (Larsen-Freeman, 2000, p. 23). In 1880 Francois Gouin, a teacher of Latin in France introduced a famous book called Art of teaching and learning of languages to the public. His assumptions of how a foreign language could be taught together with those of Henry Sweet, an English philologist, came together on encouraging students to think in the target language in learning process (Nagaraj, 1996, p. 71-72). This shaped the early version of the Direct method, a revolution in foreign language teaching, which went against the current traditional one. The Direct Method (known as Natural Method) was first introduced in Germany and France and it was the strong response to the dra wbacks of the Grammar Translation Method. It then became popular in The United States in the late of nineteenth century. At the time, Lambert Sauveur, an extraordinary man and his colleage, Gottlied Henness, first applied object lesson technique to teach German and French in their classrooms and they enjoyed great success. Sauveur after that developed this teaching method to the one known as Natural Method and used it widely in his language schools (Howatt, 2004, p. 217). At the same time, Maximilian D Berlitz also used this teaching method in his language schools in the US but in another name: Berlitz Method. Basically, the Direct Method based on the assumption of using the target language to teach itself and that oral practice could help students assess the target language in terms of forms and meanings. It was also the advocacy for the natural language learning principles and teaching of oral skill. So all instructions in the classroom were in the target language. Pronunciation a nd speaking skill were strongly emphasized by conducting question-and-answer activities to motivate and encourage students in using the language confidently (Larsen-Freeman, 1986). Interaction between teacher and students in the target language was considerd a way to present it. Grammar, vocabulary and translation skills which were very important under the Grammar Translation method was now marginalized to guaratee the acquisition of oral proficiency because the proponents of the method had a strong belief that everyday vocabulary used in the classroom could be learnt effectively through visual presentations and that grammar rules could be worked out by students through the teachers inductive grammar teaching. By means of its innovation in language teaching, the Direct method, which negated the effectiveness of the Grammar Translation method, became the first and the most concerned language teaching method that marked the begining of the method era (Richards Rodgers, 2002, p. 14). However, apart from being a breakthrough in teaching interactive speaking skills, the Direct Method also showed its weaknesses in terms of applied linguistics which made the method not take well in public education where the constraints of budget, classroom size, time, and teacher background made such a method difficult to use (Brown, 1994, p. 54) or to Richards and Rodgers it was a dramatic alteration in language teaching which firmly focused on oral skill but lacked a systematic basic in applied linguistic theory and practice (2002, p. 38). In the 1920s and 1930s in Britain, British applied linguists led by Harole Palmer and A. S. Hornby exerted themselves to establish an approach called Oral Approach (or Situation Language Teaching) to language teaching based on more scientific foundation, in which sponken language was important, only general and useful vocabulary was introduced, grammar was graded strictly and all practice took place in situations. The approach also enjoyed the popularity in English for decades there and many textbooks and courses were designed under it principles (Richards and Rodgers, 2002, p. 36-41). Another method became known as the Army method fisrt and then Audio Lingual Method (ALM) as we know it now was a new creative trend in language teaching methodology in The US in the second World War. It was first applied in a special language training programs of Military of the United States. It was devised by an American linguist, Leonart Bloomfield for the servicemen who were going to work as translators, interpreters and quickly needed to have perfect communicative proficiency to perform their jobs in different parts of the world. The method was the combination of language teaching through intensive practice of speaking skills to develop communicative competence with the language learning method based on the disciplines of descriptive linguistics and behaviuor pychology (which considers language learning is a set of language). In this method, immitation, repetition, memorization and reinforcement were impressed within speaking practice with variety of drills. Limited vocabulary w as introduced. Grammar was important but was taught inductively and inexplicitly throughout the conversational dialogues that learners practised orally but no errors were accepted because according to them errors could become bad habits. It was Charles Fries, another American linguist advocating Audio Lingual Method applied the method widely in his English language center, who deserved credit for making this method popular in foreign language teaching in the United States particularly in the 1950s and 1960s (Wong, 2006) and the world. However, the effectiveness of Audio Lingual Method on oral proficiency got questioned in the 1960s. Many experiments were done and according to Scherer and Wertheimer (1964), this effectiveness was not significant. In the 1970s, the new method based on the wiew of language learning as active mental processes, which was advocated J.B. Carroll and K. Chastain in the 1960s, Cognitive-code-Method was born. As Carrol stated, this deductivist method was a modified, up- to-date grammar-translation theory (1966 cited in Stern, 1987, p. 469). It adopted generativist grammatial theory (Danesi, 2003) and focused on grammar structures and all four skills. Clear examples and grammar structure explanation to learners came first. Learners were then asked to pracise them in meaningful contexts. Despite the fact that the method did not win the teachers and linguists favour for long, it deserved merit in leaving contexttualized gramar tranning and the technique of Error Analysis to language teaching ( Danesi, 2003, p. 11). In the early 1980s, the Natural Approach was developed by Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen based on Krashens theory about second language acquisition. It looks at language as a set of messages which can be understood. Vocabulary and meaning are primary (Terrell Krashen, 1983 cited in Richards and Rodgers, 2002) and the principles for teaching a language are based on the five hypotheses in Krashens second language acquisition theory. The approach was widely welcomed in the US and around the world for its positive influence on forming more overall principles for effective language teaching that have been considered in the later approaches. In the 1970s, the need for communicative competence continued to increase in line with the changes of economic and political situation in Europe. But teachers and linguists did not satisfy with the current language teaching methods and approaches which were not effective in helping learners use the target language to interact or communicate in real life situations. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or Communicative Approach to the teaching of foreign languages then emerged as the answer to the problem. It has didfferent features from those of the other approaches since one of the most characteristic features of Communicative Language Teaching is that it pays basic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language (Littlewood, 1992, p. 1). To serve communicative goal of language learning, the Communicative Approach is based on the premise that what we do in the classroom should have some real life communicative values or it looks at what people do with language and how they responde to what they hear (Flowerdew Miller, 2005, p. 12). Therefore, all activities used in a CLT classroom are appropriately designed based on these principles. Teachers measures language learnerssuccess by looking at their development in communicative competence which is implied in their making use of any means of communication, verbal or nonverbal, within the limited knowledge of the language they have to. To some extent, CLT makes use of presenting and practising speaking and listening in real life situations to help students complete tasks and build their fluency and confidence. The last approach I would like to mention is Task-Based Approach popularized by Prabhu. The method has attracted teachers and linguists in recent years. It impresses on using authentic language in real life, classrooms are managed to take place in real world communicative context in form of tasks and the tasks outcome, not the accuracy of language forms, is used to evaluate students progress and competence. The activities in the classroom mainly focus on speaking and students are required to be highly active and cooperative. The approach is rather new and not very familiar to teachers and students in some Southeast Asian countries. However, nobody who concerns linguistics negates its state of the art in the field and it is considered the development of CLT. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN VIETNAM: STATE OF THE ART In the last twenty years, the demand for communicating between people of different cultures has pushed English to its recent status as a popular global language. English has become an official languge in Singarpore, India, the Philipines, Hongkong and a popular foreign language in most Asian nations for economic and political reasons. English teaching profession in the region, as the result, receives more concern of teachers, educators and linguists. In line with the current language teaching trends of the world, English language teaching in Asia has also been inspired by a more effective alternative, Communicative approach which emerged in the ash of less effective approachs and methods of language teaching that had big impact on English language learning and teaching for a long time. The wind of changes prevails and results in a lot of other changes related to English language teaching. Teachers have been encouraged to employ CLT in their English classrooms to improve students spea king skill. However, in some Asian countries of ESL where CLT and other later approaches have been imployed in English classrooms and claimed for some success whilst in Asian EFL classrooms whether CLT has been really applied or not, and if it has, how effective it has been, is still questioned. So, what has been the problems? In his study, Hird (1995, cited in Lewis McCook, 2002) stated that the differences in cultures led to the differences in interpreting CLT. The Asian traditionally appreciate the perfection such as acurracy in learning, CLT to their understanding, however, emphasizes more on fluency, appropriateness and spontaneity, not acurracy. Therefore, teachers as well as students were dubious about the effectiveness of CLT. A study of Musthafa Personal author, compiler, or editor name(s); click on any author to run a new search on that name. (2001, p. 1-10) on CLT in Indonesian argued that the communicative approach has failed to help students become any more competent in the use of the English language for real-life purposes. Or Manajitt (2008, p. 83-87) pointed out, although most of the Thai EFL school teachers in Bangkok were very intersted in CLT, learnt about it in many ways and had clear CLT conceptualization, their teaching and their students learning was still a combination between trad itional and communicative approach or still stayed traditional because of difficulties they faced while organizing a CLT classroom. In Vietnam, English became one of the subjects at school in 1987 after Vietnam started Doi Moi in 1986. English appeared in classrooms in some parts of the country. The course books at the time focused on reading skills and grammar and the Grammar Translation Method was applied widely in English teaching in Vietnam (Denham, 1992) beacause the new approaches and methods of teaching English did not reach the country yet and the teachers who were trained before 1986 felt most confident using it (Pham, 1999). Speaking skills were overlooked. Students had to work very hard with grammar rules to past the examinations. Teachers taught to test and students studied to do tests. In 1996, English proficiency at different levels was required to high chool and university students when they finished their study. English joined the rank of major subjects at education institutions. However, teacher-centred or teacher-fronted classrooms remained typical ones in Vietnam (Sullivan, 2000). Students cont inued with their rote learning in teacher-centred classrooms and the English teaching methods of the teachers in Vietnam in the late of 1990s were out-of-date (Kennett Knight,1999). The fact that teaching and learning English in Vietnam for over a dacade was staying the same. Yet the social demands for English for communication purposes were increasing because more and more activities in different fields needing poeple with good communicative English competence urgently required a significient change in language teaching profession. In an attempt to improve the quality of teaching and learning English especially the speaking skill, a movement to transform curriculum, text books, and teaching methodologies (Kim, 2001, p.140) was launched. Now, CLT has been announced to be the best choice to replace Grammar Translation approach in Vietnam. Teachers are annually invited to attend workshops about CLT. The new versions of English text books for students at secondary and high schools have replaced the old ones. The new text books, however, include more every day dialogues as the only evidence for the change since long reading texts and grammar exercies which promise to be the most in typical tests that students are going to take still predominent these books. As a result, speaking skills are skipped in class. Teachers spend most of the time on explaining grammar rules and translating reading texts to students. Students have to work with reading and grammar even harder than ever to survive the exams which mainly compri se long reading texts and extremely complicated grammar points. So, CLT although is officially prefered in Vietnam but whether it is really applied in classrooms to enhance students communitive competence or not is still a big question to anyone who has ever taught English in Vietnam. These lead to far-reaching consequence. At universities and colleges, Communicative course books are also chosen for students like the Lifelines set (Hutchinson, 2001), International Express set (Taylor Lane, 2007). The course books cover four macro skills. However, no oral or listening tests but reading and writing tests are carried out during the course. Inconsistencies between teaching and examinations lead to serious consequence like speaking skills are inorged in such these test-oriented tertiary EFL classrooms, students dont even have oppotunities to use the language verbally inside their classrooms because Vietnamese is used by teachers and students most of the time (Bui, 2006). Under these con ditions, students suffer from the failure in communicating or interacting. In terms of applying effectively new methods to teach English to students to help them use English communicatively, teachers fail to teach their students how to speak or listen but read and write in the target language. According to Pham (1999), there are socio-cultural factors against success in tertiary English language training programs in Vietnam. He emphasizes the fact that not only students but also teachers who lack ability of communicating in the target language get so scared to be in CLT classrooms where speaking skills are focused. The new method required both teachers and students really work actively in class. However, they got used to learning and teaching passively with Grammar Translation Method and they have to struggle to overcome their inherent passiveness, shyness, inferiority and fear to deal with the lesson in the new method. To these teachers and students, their English class put them in a state of panic. These have resulted in the quality of teaching speaking skills at university in Vietnam is still poor. And the explanation of the poor quality speaking teaching in English language tertiary education in Vietnam which results in a large number of graduates who have difficulty with communicating English (Bui, 2006) must take into account the concrete factors such as teachers and students conceptualization and practice of CLT, teachers ability and enthusiasm for their badly paid jobs, budget for language education, syllabus design, material and assessment which are the same in most developing countries (Gorlach, 1995). PetroVietnam Manpower Traning College (PVMTC) belongs to the system of vocational schools in Vietnam but mainly funded by Petrovietnam. For nearly fifteen years, the Streamlines set was used as the main course books and Grammar Translation Method was applied in teaching English in our college. But since 2007, we have replaced the course books with the Lifelines and International Express set. CLT has hardly received any warm welcome from the senior teachers beause they do not want to change the method that they have used for such a long time and as for them, they do not believe in the effectiveness of the new method and they even do not exactly know what CLT is and how to apply it. However, it has enjoyed the popularity among the younger teachers like me. We have been sent to have training courses on CLT together with our colleagues from other schools and colleges. We have excitingly discorvered it and applied or adapted it to our classes when we teach thousands of both types of stude nts studying English there: regular students and project students. Most of the students in PVMTC now are project students who are recent graduates or experienced technicians and engineers from different parts of Vietnam recruited to work for projects of Petrovietnam. They are paid to take a special intensive English course at PVMTC to improve their English skills, especially speaking skills, to perform their job together with foreign experts in their field at industrial facilities or in offices. They are highly motivated because they are given test of four skills and they are expected to achieve at least 650 marks on TOIEC when they finish the training course. They already took a placement test before doing the course and their English proficiency is Pre-intermediate. These are also advantages to us to apply CLT in these classrooms. International Express set is chosen for the course for its characteristics which support teachers and students a lot in conducting a communicative approach classroom. Inductive approach to grammar employed to guide stude nts to work out rules and usage which is usually a foreseen failure to many regular classes for regular students can be acceptable in these classes although both teachers and students have to work extremely hard when dealing with complicated grammar points and occasional failures are inevitable. Students are offered oppotunities speak, to discuss to complete all the task given by the teacher or to solve the problems emerging in the lessons. They are encouraged to use their own experiences, limited language they have learnt and appropriate learning strategies to deal with the English language in particular situations together in pair and group work activities. They are encouraged to keep speaking English with their classmates and teachers as much as they can without caring much about making mistakes when speaking. Authentic materials such as video clips or articles from the internet or newspapers, or any sourses relating to the topics of the lessons can be taken into the classroom to link the language they learn in the cousre book and those in real life. Although English is used by teachers and students most of the time in class, most of the students, especially more advanced and senior ones, generally appear to be successful and get progressed in their learning in terms of using the language communicatively, fluently and confidently. With regard to applying CLT in teaching English speaking effectively in these kinds of classrooms, we proudly claim that both the teachers and students in PVMTC have worked increadibly hard to make it success. We, however, confess our less successful outcome when applying CLT to most of the classes for regular students who are young adults at college and are being trained as workers to work for PetroVietnams subsidiaries. Most of them have been studying English for at least three years at high school but their English proficiency level is still beginner only. They are required to pass an English reading and writing test after finishing 90 hours of learning English in the first semester. Then they are offered a free optional 200 hour course of English to get the A level certificate as the education policy of PetroVietnam. The impacts of the different learning context on English teaching and learning are obvious in this situation. Therefore, as motivated language teachers, we have been doing our best to adapt the most appropriate teaching methods we have known to teach our students to get them improved and to these classrooms, an adapted combination of Audio Lingual Method and CLT has appear ed to be the most appropriate. To a large extent, CLT has enjoyed the popularity in PVMTC for proving itself a more effective method in teaching and learning English speaking skills in PVMTC context in this stage. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE DIRECTIONS In conclusion, language teaching profession has undergone great changes. Teaching approaches and methods ranging from Grammar Translation to Task-based were born in different stages in teachers, linguists tireless attempts to improve quality of teaching and learning languages. The later coming into the world does not completely exclude of the previous ones but it maintains the quintessence and condemns the drawbacks of them and contributes innovation to the field ensuring its appropriateness for teaching and learning contexts in a particular period. A number of studies have been done for centeries on teaching approaches and methods reflecting increasingly concerns about speaking skills and the recognition of the importance of the the skills in teaching, learning and using the target language. Improving the quality of teaching and learning English are the main chalenges facing Vietnam educators and government beacause it has been considered part of its social, economic and political development strategies. The first step as access to expected success has been made. In Vietnam, CLT has just really been popularized and used in English classrooms to ameliorate learners English competence. A lot of objective and subjective factors impacting on the effectiveness of this communicative method are still existing in Vietnam education system. So CLT will be the most appropriate one to use in the next years in Vietnamese teaching and learning context before trying to exploit the later ones. PVMTC have become aware of the neccessary of choosing and applying CLT in teaching English to acheive the proposed objective of any English courses to satisfy our students need, to prepare them for their future jobs by getting students involved in using English communicatively effectively, And as I mentioned early, we have enjoyed remarkable success but sometimes our teaching ends in falures. In spite of those, I believe that no teaching methos or approaches are perfect to all types of learners and that depending on object of the courses, as asthusiastic language teachers and if we are creative enough in teaching art, we will know how to adapt the methods we have known for use in each of our particular teaching and learning contexts and we will be successful in preparing our students with communicative competence.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Horror Movies Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Natural Born Killers,† â€Å" Psycho,† â€Å" Friday the 13th ,† and â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow† are all horror films. In these films there is always some crazy person or monster-like character that goes around and slaughters innocent people. And usually, but not all the time the killer is killed at the end of the movie. The media publishes or broadcasts stories that say that horror films influence people to imitate these wrongful acts of violence. I believe that these movies do not influence people to imitate these murderous crimes onto innocent people. Horror films are a way for people to exercise their violent emotions with out hurting anyone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media publishes ,in my mind stupid , stories about horror films that say that some whacked out kid has just killed someone because of a horror film he or she saw. I think that the kid blaming the movie is just a reason to get out of jail time. The parents of these kids should not be showing there 8 years old children horror films in the first place. That is why there is a ratings system. And all horror movies are rated R, which means no one under the age of 17 should watch the movie with out adult supervision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A movie that comes to my mind for a movie supposedly influencing people is the Oliver Stone movie â€Å"Natural Born Killers.† In it Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis play a couple that go on a violent crime spree. They kill dozens ... Horror Movies Essay -- essays research papers fc   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Natural Born Killers,† â€Å" Psycho,† â€Å" Friday the 13th ,† and â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow† are all horror films. In these films there is always some crazy person or monster-like character that goes around and slaughters innocent people. And usually, but not all the time the killer is killed at the end of the movie. The media publishes or broadcasts stories that say that horror films influence people to imitate these wrongful acts of violence. I believe that these movies do not influence people to imitate these murderous crimes onto innocent people. Horror films are a way for people to exercise their violent emotions with out hurting anyone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media publishes ,in my mind stupid , stories about horror films that say that some whacked out kid has just killed someone because of a horror film he or she saw. I think that the kid blaming the movie is just a reason to get out of jail time. The parents of these kids should not be showing there 8 years old children horror films in the first place. That is why there is a ratings system. And all horror movies are rated R, which means no one under the age of 17 should watch the movie with out adult supervision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A movie that comes to my mind for a movie supposedly influencing people is the Oliver Stone movie â€Å"Natural Born Killers.† In it Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis play a couple that go on a violent crime spree. They kill dozens ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bad effects of fast food Essay

Did you know as of January, of this year, there is about 50 million people daily that eat fast food in America. That around 1/6th of the population. The average meal for a family of four at McDonalds can cost around $27.89, with a homemade meal for four costing $13.78, or $9.26 for a vegetarian meal. People argue that it just cheaper than cooking a meal but in reality it is a lot more. Even if you just order off the $1 menu you still have to think of the other expenses like gas. Another factor is health. On average someone eat fast food a least 2 times a week so compare to someone who doesn’t eat that much can gain up to 10 more pound. If you don’t exercise daily you can become out of shape fast. People who have family members with some diseases like Diabetes and high blood pressure should not eat as much fast food as they do because just eating it 2 times a week can double the incidence of insulin resistance, a risk factor for Diabetes. There is also lots of sodium in fast food and that alone can give you high blood pressure. People who eat fast-food 4 or more times a week, up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80%. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated or transfats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and cause high cholesterol levels. A well-balanced food contains all essential elements which are necessary for human development. Whereas fast food does not have all these elements, this type of food contains some elements in high quantity while others are absent. So just by eating out because it cheaper at the moment or quicker in the long run you are actually paying more because of medical bills it’s just a game of cause and effect.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Forshawdowing In By The Waters Of Babyon

Foreshadowing in â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon† Foreshadowing plays a big part in a lot of stories, especially in â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon† by Steven Vincent Benet . In this story foreshadowing helps the reader to fully understand the ending, which can be tricky at times. When first reading this story it seems to be some type of fairy tale, or an old medieval story, but it isn’t that’s what makes Benet so clever. As one continues to read he/she will began to notice some examples of foreshadowing. Take for instance when the main character, John goes to cross the river which is named the Oudasun River, does that name ring a bell, if it doesn’t you’ll notice later on. Then John arrives in the Place of the Gods. There John sees things like, skyscrapers some standing, others barely there. He also notices that there are pigeons nesting on the tops of these buildings. John also notices weird numbers and writing on the buildings, below these structures he notices an area with tracks and high beams. Then John sees a couple of wild cats and dogs roaming the street; this should sound familiar. John manages to find an area to sleep and then he has a dream, even though this dream itself is not an example of foreshadowing it contains a lot of facts which are. In his dream he sees the city in all its entirety. There are bright lights, which work without wicks, or lighting fluid, there are washing rooms with no water, kitchens with no fire and all types of things. John also sees the Gods but he doesn’t understand why they fight so much, but the most important revelation is when he finds out that the so-called Gods are nothing but humans just like him. Now, the reader must have some type understanding. Remember the Oudasun River, well that’s the Hudson River. Remember the skyscrapers, pigeons, and the cat’s and dogs. Look around, if the reader lives in a city or remotely near one then he/she should kno... Free Essays on Forshawdowing In 'By The Waters Of Babyon' Free Essays on Forshawdowing In 'By The Waters Of Babyon' Foreshadowing in â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon† Foreshadowing plays a big part in a lot of stories, especially in â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon† by Steven Vincent Benet . In this story foreshadowing helps the reader to fully understand the ending, which can be tricky at times. When first reading this story it seems to be some type of fairy tale, or an old medieval story, but it isn’t that’s what makes Benet so clever. As one continues to read he/she will began to notice some examples of foreshadowing. Take for instance when the main character, John goes to cross the river which is named the Oudasun River, does that name ring a bell, if it doesn’t you’ll notice later on. Then John arrives in the Place of the Gods. There John sees things like, skyscrapers some standing, others barely there. He also notices that there are pigeons nesting on the tops of these buildings. John also notices weird numbers and writing on the buildings, below these structures he notices an area with tracks and high beams. Then John sees a couple of wild cats and dogs roaming the street; this should sound familiar. John manages to find an area to sleep and then he has a dream, even though this dream itself is not an example of foreshadowing it contains a lot of facts which are. In his dream he sees the city in all its entirety. There are bright lights, which work without wicks, or lighting fluid, there are washing rooms with no water, kitchens with no fire and all types of things. John also sees the Gods but he doesn’t understand why they fight so much, but the most important revelation is when he finds out that the so-called Gods are nothing but humans just like him. Now, the reader must have some type understanding. Remember the Oudasun River, well that’s the Hudson River. Remember the skyscrapers, pigeons, and the cat’s and dogs. Look around, if the reader lives in a city or remotely near one then he/she should kno...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Telling Time Lesson With Worksheets

Telling Time Lesson With Worksheets Children usually learn to tell time by first or second grade. The concept is abstract and takes some fundamental instruction before children can grasp the concept. You can use several worksheets to help children learn how to represent time on a clock and how to decipher the time on analog and digital clocks. The Fundamentals The concept of time may take some time to grasp. But, if you use a methodical approach to explaining how to tell what time it is, your students can pick it up with some practice. 24 Hours in a Day The first thing that will help young students learn about time is if you explain to them that there are 24 hours in a day. Explain that the clock divides the day into two halves of 12 hours each. And, within each hour, there are 60 minutes.   For an example, you can explain how there is an 8 oclock in the morning, like when children are getting ready for school, and an 8 oclock at night, usually associated with bedtime. Show the students what a clock looks like when it is 8 oclock with a plastic clock or another teaching  aid. Ask the children what the clock looks like. Ask them what they notice about the clock.   Hands on a Clock Explain to children that a clock has a face and two main hands. The teacher should demonstrate that the smaller hand represents the hour of the day while the larger hand represents the minutes within that hour. Some students may have already grasped the concept of skip counting by 5s, which should make it easier for children to understand the concept of each number on the clock representing 5-minute increments. Explain how 12 at the top of the clock is both the beginning and end of the hour and how it represents :00. Then, have the class count out the subsequent numbers on the clock, by skip counting by 5s, from 1 through 11. Explain how the smaller hash marks between numbers on the clock are minutes.   Go back to the example of 8 oclock. Explain how oclock means zero minutes or :00. Usually, the best progression for teaching children to tell time is to start in larger increments, like start with children only identifying the hour, then move to the half-hour, then the quarter hour, and then intervals of 5 minutes.   Worksheets for Learning Time Once students understand that the small hour hand represents the 12-hour cycle and the minute hand points to 60 unique minutes around the clock face, they can begin practicing these skills by attempting to tell the time on a variety of clock worksheets. Blank clocks worksheetTelling time to the nearest 5 minutesTelling time to the nearest minuteTwo worksheets for filling in random times:  Worksheet 1  and  worksheet 2Fill in the digital times for analog clocksMiscellaneous time worksheets Other Teaching Aids Engaging multiple senses in learning helps support understanding and providing manipulatives and hands-on experiences enhance  the learning experience. There are many plastic-type clocks that are available to help children learn time concepts. If you cant find mini plastic clocks, have your students make paper clocks using a butterfly clip. When a child has a clock to manipulate, you can then ask them to show you various times. Or you can show them the digital time and ask them to show you what it looks like on an analog clock. Incorporate word problems into the exercises, such as it is now 2 oclock, what time will it be in a half an hour.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Financial Performance of Retail Banking in India Essay

Financial Performance of Retail Banking in India - Essay Example According to World Bank report of 2011, the value of the Indian economy is around $1.848 trillion, which can be considered as the tenth- major economy in terms of exchange rates (World Bank, 2013). However, the major challenge that the country faces is poverty. Though the country and its government has been successful in diminishing poverty from 55 percent in the year 1973, to around 27 percent in 2004, but around 1.1 billion citizens of the country are below the poverty line (Nayak, Goldar, and Agarwal, 2010). It has been noticed that 30 percent of the rural population are below the poverty line (Rural Poverty Portal, n. d.). Financial development is an integral factor for the growth of country’s economy. It has been proved through many studies that for any well-functioning fiscal system, mobilizing saving and allocating resources support functions such as risk management, economic growth, etc. This fact proves that financial development can be achieved through savings throug h establishment of proper banking system in the country, which in future would lead to elimination of poverty (Kapoor, 2011). Retail banking is not a fresh phenomenon in the country. It was prevalent in different forms previously, but in the last few years a phenomenal change has been seen and demand towards mainstream banking has increased. Retail banking is mainly facilitating the rural segment of the country and assisting them with loans for durables, educational loans, auto loans, etc. In the recent past it has been seen that the retail credit has been the major source of profit for the banks, which comprises of around 21.5 percent of the total outstandings. There are certain drivers which lead to the growth and development of retail banking in the country. Firstly, consistent increase in the purchasing power of the consumers and for economic prosperity. Secondly, the changing demographics of the consumers and vast potential of quantitative and qualitative consumption of the pop ulation was another reason for the growth of retail banking in the country. Thirdly, the demand for convenience banking increased due to the usage of mobile phones, internet, etc. fourthly, retail business has become good sources for profit maximisation. Lastly, declining level of interest rates is also the cause of growth in the retail credit, though the generation of demand for credit (R. Kapila, and U. Kapila, 2007). Retail banking is however, considered as a new concept because the functions within the banking framework were not segregated as retail, wholesale or corporate banking. Retail banking in modern terms comprises of asset based services and products, financial services that are designed for individual consumption or use. The concept of retail banking has been widespread with the increasing market share of private banks in the banking sector of India. Retail banking caters to the banking needs of the individual customer (Shrivastava,  Pandey,  and Vidyarthi, 2007). T he products that banks consider under retail banking are housing loans, education loans, car loans, personal loans, saving bank accounts, recurring deposit accounts, etc. The Indian retail banking system has seen a dramatic change over the last few years. It has evolved drastically from traditional debt averse, middle class mindset, to modern loan-taking, and risk inclined mind-set. In order to keep up with the latest trend of changing mind-set of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Family genogram progect Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family genogram progect - Term Paper Example My parents did raise me, however, to believe in the tenants of religion and the teachings that are important in any religious observance. These teachings include the admonition that I must treat everybody with kindness and respect; that I must not judge anybody, as I am not perfect myself; that I must love my neighbor as myself; and that I must not become too enamored of material things, because material things are not what brings true happiness. My parents are very traditionalists, aside from the fact that they are not religious overtly. Their parents were even more traditionalists, and they observed more traditional religion. They believed not only in the Supreme Being, but they also believed in lesser gods, ancestral spirits and magic and medicine. In a way, my grandparents shaped my religious identity more than my parents did. This is because I believe, at least somewhat, in the old ways of my grandparents. I understand that Christianity has some of the same beliefs as what my grandparents ascribed to, which includes the beliefs in guardian angels and the like. I also believe that my ancestors are watching over me, like a kind of guardian angel. My beliefs in magic and medicine are derived from my grandparents, and they are translated into my beliefs in the Tarot and astrology. In other words, I have more of a mystical basis for my overall belief system that does not necessarily comport with Christianity, but is more in line with my grandparents. And, from my parents, come the values that they have taught me, which I have listed above. As far as the sociopolitical foundations of my family, my parents showed the typical exchange theory of labor within the family dynamic, which means that my mother had the role as a homemaker, and she exchanged her labor for my father’s economic provisions. My grandparents have exhibited the same type of exchange. I am different, however, as I am raising my three teenagers on my own, with some

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Understanding the Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Understanding the Childhood - Essay Example The essay "Understanding the Childhood" talks about the maladjustment or maltreatment during childhood which more often than not surfaces in some form of societal contradictions and confrontations in a child’s later life. The paper also discusses a school, not as an institution that had strict administrative procedures. The primary right of a child is not to be affected by social prejudices and legal structures, if any, that might be prevalent against their parents. All actions taken by legal, social, governmental and non-governmental bodies that might affect children must be taken with the best interest of concerned children in mind. United Nations has also declared in its charter that, except under extraordinary circumstances, therefore, State should ensure that a child is never separated from their parents. The world body has also been unambiguous in its censure of illegal human trading in children and has directed State to take the most stringent measures to prevent any su ch nefarious activity. A child, like any other adult human being, will be entitled to freedom of opinion, thought and expression and will also be entitled to their right of privacy. However, Helen Penn draws our attention to the fact that notions of childhood is not the same in every region of the world and varies much wider than can be conceived by a Westerner. Just to place her argument in proper perspective, hence she draws the example of poverty as viewed in the Western world and elsewhere.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stock and Inventory Management Practices Essay Example for Free

Stock and Inventory Management Practices Essay Intuiting The researcher become totally immersed in the phenomenon into the lived experiences of the clients with regard to the inventory and supply management system of convenience store. The researcher has come to know about the phenomenon as described by the participants through the use of in depth interview. The researchers will avoid giving their criticism, evaluation or opinion and pays strict attention to the phenomenon under investigation as it as be described at the initial stage Analyzing In the second step of this phenomenological analyzing, the researcher will be involved in identifying the essence of the phenomenon under investigation based on data that was obtained and how the data are presented. They will  distinguish the phenomenon with regard to elements on constituents, and explored the relationship and connections with adjacent phenomena (ibid). Describing In this kind of phenomenological describing, the researchers describe the operation to communicate and bring written and verbal description distinct, critical elements of the phenomenon. They came up with the description based on the classification or grouping of the phenomenon. They avoid attempting to describe a phenomenon prematurely so as to make sure that they would not be committed methodological error  Co-Researchers of the Study It is necessary for a phenomenological researcher utilizing the interview method to seek out participants who not only have had the particular experience being investigated but also are able to articulate their experience. It should be remembered that the phenomenological researcher is seeking to illuminate human phenomena and not, in the strictest sense to generalize the findings. Therefore randomness, or participants unable to articulate the experience, might,in fact, keep the researcher from fully investigating the phenomenon in the depthful manner necessary, hence participants are chosen by the ability to fully describe the experience being researched. (sunburst.usd.edu) Description of Co-researchers of the Study The co-researchers of this study who are to be chosen by the researcher will be 3 convenience store owners or employees in Quiapo, Metro Manila who are involved in the operation of convenience store for at least three (3) years and have been practicing traditional supply and inventory system and have encountered problems over stock and inventory. Location of the Study The location of this study will be at Quaipo, Street, Metro Manila. The Guiding Framework The analytical procedure is psycho-phenomenological in nature and comprise seven step, inspired by Giorgi (1996) and Vaam Kaam (2000): horizontalization, reduction and elimination, individual and textural-structural description, verification, validation, and synthesis. These seven steps are shown below: [pic] Figure 2 Phenomenological Analysis Process Procedures and Analysis of Data 1. Horizontalization: Reading of the Transcription For the purpose of obtaining an overall picture, the researchers will read the written testimonies of service availing experience. Then each one analyzed the testimonies carefully and deliberately. The units of service availing experience were drawn and were extracted from these transcribed interviews. 2. Elimination and Reduction: Division into Meaning Units Each transcribed testimony of service availing experiences will be read once more, and thereafter was divided into meaning units. A meaning unit is a coherent expression of meaning comprising one or (usually) more sentences. In this process, repetitive words and redundant expressions will be eliminated. 3. Transformation: Clustering and Thematizing Each meaning unit was systematically transform in two steps (first and second transformation), each raising the level of abstraction. In this, bracketing was employed, which is to say that the researcher’s previous knowledge and understanding was excluded. The meaning units is set out as scrupulously as possible and with no intrusion of interpretation. 4. Individual and Textural-Structural Description This step will be used to clarify and elaborate the meaning by relating constituents to each other and to the whole. In this process, the researchers reflect on the themes that were developed, and find overlapping themes which are related to each other. These themes with similar meaning and related construct on criterion were converged as one. In this manner, the very essence of convergent validity was followed in reintegrating related themes as one. 5. Verification In this process, the researchers reflected on the constituents in the concrete language of the participant. They had identified the defining elements for each theme. The defining element was the basic structural unit of the experience. 6. Validation There were two steps in the process of validation. First, the researchers will used inter subjective validation. This was done after the interview is transcribed, and brings it back to their co-researchers to validate if the transcription is connecting in the arrangement/structure and content. The second step was the presentation of the result of the findings of the study to their co-researchers to find out if the results of the study do in fact reflect their service availing experiences. The transcription was based on the interview which used high efficient voice recording device. Transcription Standard The interview will be transcribed meticulously with the use of an earphone that is attached to the voice recording device. The technique that will be used is â€Å"listen to the voice in one or two sentences pause to write the lines heard from the audiotape and play continue†. This technique will be used to make sure that accurate verbatim expressions are written accurately including sounds of laughter, coughing, and other distinct sounds that will be recorded by the machine/voice recording device. 7. Synthesis In this process, the researchers integrated their insight and reflection on the synthesis or composite structure of the experience through a descriptive structure of its meaning. Base on the insight, they will expound on the meaning of the themes based on the narrative story of their co-researchers. Each theme will be supported and substantiated by a description of the experience, and interpreted in the light of the insights they had inferred from the experienced and through the existing review of relevant literature and studies. Guide Questions: 1. What are the types of inventories that you keep? 2. How do you determine the inventories that you will keep? 3. Can you share with us your practices related with your inventories? (general) 4. Can you share with us your practices in purchasing your inventories? 5. How do you determine the timing of inventory purchase? 6. Can you share with us your practices in storing and organizing your inventories? 7. Can you share with us your practices in keeping your inventories safe and secure? 8. Can you share with us your practices in selling your inventories? 9. How do you establish your selling price? 10. What are the problems that you have encountered in managing your inventories? (general) 11. What are the problems that you have encountered in purchasing inventories? 12. What are the problems that you have  encountered in storing and organizing inventories? 13. What are the problems that you have encountered in securing your inventories? 14. What are the problems that you have encountered in selling your inventories? 15. How did you resolve these problems?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Role Of Civil Society In Maintaining Democracy

The Role Of Civil Society In Maintaining Democracy The role of civil society and the media in modern day democratic governance is of utmost importance since they ensure the proper functioning of government while respecting the main pillars of democracy. This contribution is demonstrated best when one compares democratic governance in European countries with the situation in authoritarian regimes. It is very often the case that although there is a struggle towards the implementation and respect of democratic principles, they are still very far away from their proper application. Introduction First, I will define what civil society is since this will help us understand better its role in democratic governance. Then, I will outline how the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and political participation aid and strengthen democratic governance. In examining these areas, I will demonstrate how the media and civil society play a crucial role in doing so. All of this will be established through the comparison between democratic countries, and less democratic or authoritarian regimes. Before one delves into outlining the role of civil society and the media in democratic governance, one must define civil society. According to Els van Enckevort  [1]  , Civil society is made up by very different organisations, networks and associations. From football clubs to debate groups, from womens networks to labour unions, from book clubs to political parties) and from environmental lobby groups to religious groups. Although some organisations will have a much clearer influence on political processes and democratisation than others, all are included in the civil society and all do have some influence on democratisation. Furthermore, according to Jo Leinen, a German Member of the European Parliament, stated in Civil Society and Conflict Resolution  [2]  , a contribution by the speakers of the conference held on 20th September 2007, that If you want to secure democracy, rule of law, human rights and peace you cannot rely only on governmental institutions or political part ies. You need a citizens movement. You need a strong debate between state institutions and civil society. One must also point out that the Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force in December 2009, mentions that The institutions (of the EU) shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society. Thus, one can argue that democratic governance rests on several pillars. In this essay I will focus on the respect for and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; the embracing of a pluralistic system; the integration of minorities in all levels of government and society and the promotion of a wide scope of political participation. As will be demonstrated, the achievement of these pillars can be facilitated by the working of an active civil society and effective media. Respect and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Human rights can be referred to as those basic rights and freedoms to which every human being is entitled to. Very often it is left in the hands of the organs of the state to ensure the protection of such rights. However, civil society and the media too play a role in demonstrating the importance of the protection of these rights. The latter are sometimes considered to be watch-dogs and struggle to ensure the adherence to these rights. The constant violation of human rights can be blamed on the facts that such actions remain undisclosed. This is where the media comes in. Its role is to expose such violations and make the public aware of such violations. It is only after the public is shown what is the outcome of such violations that awareness can be created. Furthermore, civil society must emphasise that education about human rights is increased as much as possible. In Malta, for instance, the People for Change Foundation, an NGO, works towards the achievement of a just, fair and inc lusive society all members of which may reach their full potential unhindered by factors such as age, race, sex, religion etc. Furthermore, it promotes social cohesion, and respect for Human Rights. One of the main reasons why civil society is of utmost importance is because it upholds certain values which strengthens the same civil society, and hence the democratic governance. It should thus work towards the upholding of human rights standards, and such value will permeate all levels of society. Since civil society organisation tend to focus on particular minor groups, voice their interests and work towards the clearing up of misconceptions and misunderstandings, and overcoming mistrust and fear. Such organisations are to aid governments to promote, as much as possible, dialogue between people hailing from various backgrounds and ethnicities. According to the CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI)  [3]  project, a comprehensive study on civil society in Turkey, it can be argued that civil society is a crucial agent towards positive social change. Turkish civil society groups are not only providing services to disadvantaged and minority groups, but they also take active positions on several matters. The most remarkable efforts are in the alia of human rights where civil society organisations are making a lot of effort on expanding civic liberties. It is believed that when a particular government closes a geographical region to journalists there is the violation of human rights in that region. Chechnya, North Korea and Eritrea, amongst others, have all been closed in the past. In 2007, Human Rights Watch, an INGO, issued a report stating that the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua were closed to outside human rights observers, and that there was the commission of violations of human rights. The Human Rights Watch stated that there was little understanding of what was taking places in these regions since there wasnt much independent reporting on the area. The INGO went on to call the Indonesian government to open this region to independent observers so as to increase the amount and quality of information about the conditions there, and to allow independent and transparent reporting. Furthermore, the Russian NGO, Memorial, winner of the 2009 Sakharov Prize  [4]  also strives to promote the truth about violations of human rights in Russia, and former USSR states in order to ensure their democratic future. Freedom of Speech and Expression One of the most important functions of democratic governance is that decision-making at all levels is preceded by discussion and consideration of a range of views. A decision made after adequate consultation is likely to be a better decision than that which is taken after little or no consultation since the former mirrors the opinions, interests and needs of those concerned. This expression of opinions can be represented in the form of freedom of speech, and it is important in all levels of society. Without free speech, no political action is possible and no resistance to injustice or oppression is possible, and elections would have no meaning at all. Policies of political contestants become known to the public and become responsive to public opinion only if transmitted by the media by virtue of free speech. Furthermore, by virtue of Article 119 of the Constitution of Malta, the Broadcasting Authority is to ensure that broadcasting and television services preserve due impartiality in respect of matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to public policy, and that persons belonging to the different political parties are allocated a fair proportion of broadcasting time. Thus freedom of speech can be deemed to be the sine qua non of a democratic society. I believe that freedom of expression is designed to develop personal self-fulfilment; it is an essential process for the advancement of knowledge and discovery of truth; and it can be deemed to be a method of achieving necessary social change without resorting to violence. The importance of freedom of expression is outlined in Article 41 of the Constitution of Malta which states that: Except with his own consent or by way of parental discipline, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to communicate ideas and information without interference (whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons) and freedom from interference with his correspondence. Similarly, the Constitution of Jordan guarantees freedom of opinion and speech, in addition to freedom of the press and media, but all within the limits of the law. However, in practice there are significant restrictions in place restricting the free operation of the media. Any criticism of the king or the royal family is prohibited, as well as anything which is deemed to harm the states reputation and dignity. The government has used tactics such as fines, prosecution, and detention to intimidate journalist. Furthermore, while press freedom has progressed quite a lot in Jordan in recent years, the very complex legislation of the state, and the lack of awareness of the law very often means that journalist fall foul of the system. Nidal Mansor, president of the Centre for Defending the Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ), stated that The media is the cornerstone of reform and democracy, and so in 2002, with the help of the EU, the CDFJ set up a media legal aid unit which not only offers fre e legal representation for journalists, but also carries out advocacy work in Jordan and neighbouring countries to try to improve the existing laws concerning the press. While increased media freedom has been praised in Egyptian political life over the past decade, in last Novembers elections several negative factors surfaced. Pre-election time was characterised by the restriction of the liberty to discuss politics and this, as a result, slowed down the spreading of political information. They did not allow the opposition from using the media and made sure that critics are silenced. Freedom of Association and Assembly Article 42 of the Constitution of Malta states that no person is to be hindered in his enjoyment of freedom of peaceful assembly and association, thus they are to be able to hold demonstrations and meetings. The right to form associations with others comprises the right to join band clubs, political parties and trade unions amongst others. Thus, this can be seen as the basis of the formation of civil society. One must point out that the Maltese Constitution lays down that it shall be unlawful, to establish, maintain or belong to any association of persons who are organised and trained or equipped for the purpose of enabling them to be used for the display of physical force for a political object. It is recognized as one of the foundations of a functioning democracy, and its protection is crucial for creating a tolerant society in which groups holding different beliefs, practices, or policies can coexist peacefully. The Human Rights House Foundation, an INGO, deplored the fact that in Belarus people are deprived of expressing their dissent peacefully, and further condemned the use of force and violence against the peaceful demonstrators carried out on February 14th and 16th in 2009 in Minsk. Although the organisers applied for permission to hold these demonstrations, their application was turned down. In the latter peaceful rally held in solidarity with political prisoners, was also brutally disbanded. Ten minutes after people had gathered, dozens of riot policemen attacked the participants of the rally. Freedom of Press In more than half the worlds countries, banning, confiscation and censorship of publications are everyday occurrences. Even today, millions of men and women live under governments which restrict their right to know and express their opinions. The number of journalists, who go to jail for criticizing governments, or for simply expressing concern of any kind, is still high. As democracy is founded on an informed and active citizenry, citizens have the right and responsibility to participate in public affairs. Effective participation requires knowledge and wisdom. Citizens get their knowledge through media, and through discussions with others. The media provide forums through which individuals and groups express their opinions. As governmental watchdogs, the press and civil society organisations keep citizens informed of governmental events and actions. It is also important that people are not subjected to just one perspective of thing, but they are to be enabled to make comparisons, re ach conclusions and form opinions. The job of a free press is to keep an eye on the government, to make sure it stays honest and responsive to the people of the country. A free press also has an important role in government since it has an increasingly influential impact on public policy, governmental decisions and popular attitudes. Section 2 of the Spanish constitution provides, amongst other, for freedom of speech and of the press. Together, the Spanish independent press, the judiciary, and a functioning democratic political system ensure freedom of speech and of the press. Individuals are allowed to criticize the government publicly or privately, without fear of punishment, and the government does not hinder such criticism. The independent media in this country is very active and generally expresses a myriad of views without restriction. On the other hand, there is no current independent media in Eritrea, and all forms of media are Government sources. Eritrea has among the highest number of jailed journalists in the world. In 2001, in an effort to suppress increasing opposition about the future of the Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice, the government closed down eight independent newspapers and arrested a number of journalists. Eritreas press freedom is deemed to be the lowest in the world. Similarly, Jordanian radio and television are considered to be more restricted in their freedoms than the press. In general, people are allowed to access the internet freely, and such access in unrestricted; however, there were reports that the government investigated some website which were highly critical. Political participation and Elections David Friedrick  [5]  states that the participation of an organised civil society in governance arrangements at European and international level is enhancing democratic qualities, and goes further into saying that having a regulated model of participation would strengthen the democratic quality of civil society participation. It can be said that anything which restricts the scope of public participation not only weakens a countrys democratic foundations but also has the immediate effect of limiting debate over its development priorities. Furthermore, political participation is essential for realizing the basic values and objectives that minorities have. Elections constitute an essential feature of democratic governance. Through elections, people choose their representatives. Furthermore, political parties occupy a central place in the political process in modern democracies since these parties are deemed to be intermediaries between society and state. In order to guarantee the involvement of minorities in political parties, it is important to ascertain that the basic human right of freedom of association is fully respected. Recently, a Bosnian Jew and an ethnic Roma have challenged discriminatory provisions within Bosnias Constitution and electoral laws. In a case before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on 22 December 2009, the Court found certain provisions of the Bosnian Constitution and electoral laws to discriminate against minorities in failing to allow its citizens who are not Constituent Peoples to stand for election to the Presidency. The UN-INSTRAW/CAWTAR  [6]  project Womens Political Participation in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, demonstrates how the media can play a crucial role in the promotion of women ´s political participation in this region. In these countries, womens political participation has been increased during the last years, mainly due to increased access to education and the integration of women in the labour market. However, women are still highly underrepresented in the political field, as well as in the legal and institutional areas. Even during the elections in Algeria and Morocco in recent years, female candidates were only given limited coverage. This is to be distinguished from the situation in Spain, where in 2004, there were 125 women in the 350 seat Congress of Deputies, and 61 women in the 259 seat Senate; and the 64 women in the 169-seat parliament, and seven women among the nineteen in the Supreme Court in Norway. In these two countries, one can see how womens political partici pation is much higher when compared to Arab countries. Conclusion Thus one can conclude that the basic roles of civil society and the media in democratic systems of governance are of utmost importance, and one can say that their main scope is to limit and control the power of the state, to raise public concern, to promote political participation, to develop values of democratic life, and to express diverse interests. It is only when the media and civil society, work hand in hand with the government that democratic governance is strengthened.