Friday, February 14, 2020

E-business Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-business Project - Essay Example Viability - To date, no site offers online musical instrument lessons. This means that this will be a "one-of-a-kind" musical site. It will address many problems besetting people who want to take lessons on playing musical instruments but either they don't have the time to physically go to places where these lessons are held or they don't have in their possession the necessary instruments. Likewise, this online experience can answer the needs of physically handicapped people who are musically-inclined and who would like to learn to play an instrument but could not due to commuting problems posed by the individual's physical disability. E-Business Model - The business model for Music Teachers Online is produced to offer a premium site with products and services with minimum overhead. This model offers a simplified site that eliminates avoidable costs and focuses on the basics of an e-business. Designing the website could cost quite a bit, depending on the experience of the business owner. If the owner were able to design the site it would decrease costs significantly, because the design will be the main cost incurred. In this case, the business owner will need the assistance of a professional web designer. A professional designer can implement the necessary formats for adding a shopping cart, setting up bulletin boards and other complicated design issues. Depending on the experience of the designer, this could cost upwards of a $1,000. The site owner needs to have or maintain a credit card (of good standing) or any of the legitimate online pay schemes available where customers can channel their purchase payments. However, once the site is up and running, there are few maintenance fees. Revenue Model - Revenue from this site will come from various sources: online lessons as well sales of musical instruments and sheet music, plus ticket sales. Other Details - This is an efficient musical e-commerce site with exponential business expansion possibilities. It is a site that will be informative and easy to use for both the customers and musical groups. It is also an aesthetically pleasing site that considers the fact that many of its prospective customers/viewers are on dial-up and quick load

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Knowledge Management and the Competitive Strategy of the Firm Article

Knowledge Management and the Competitive Strategy of the Firm - Article Example The study reviews literature that tackles knowledge management in relation to the competitive advantage of an organization. The literature includes Porter ‘5 forces model’, and ‘Wernerfelt’s’ resource base view of a firm. The relationship between KM and strategy formulation by use of resource-based perception of the organization is established. The applicable literature that links KM with strategies is examined. The paper culminates with research findings, implications, and conclusions. Porter based his argument on SWOT analysis concept. Porter views that the five force model depends heavily on the competition level in the industry. The five forces include; the threats presented by new entrants in the market; suppliers bargaining power; threats offered by the substituting goods, and the jockeying among the existing contestants. When an organization has perfect information pertaining to the existence of the above factors they tend to conquer the market . This is because the organization will devise a strategic plan that counteracts the actions of the competitors. The strategy focuses on external factors that analyzing the opportunities and threats evident in the industry. Barney views that organizations that utilize their internal strengths to act on the opportunities at the same time weakening threats and avoiding internal weakness attain a significant value on the competitive competition. The theory argues that a firms’ success lies in its ability to incorporate its ability and resources. A firm’s resources must never be easily imitated by the competitors. Various researchers supporting the theory including Penrose, Barney, and Mahoney and Pandian asserts that; competitive advantage resources must be valuable, with no substitute and inimitable.